Health is the ease of flow. It is a flow of items into and out of the body.
We take in nutrients, air, water, minerals, amino acids, fats, carbohydrates, thoughts, ideas, friendship, love, respect, mental stimulation, spiritual stimulation, and many other nutrients.
We detox and excrete urine, breath, exhale, stool, mucus, sweat, menses, bad feelings, fixations, addictions, cohesions, intimidation's, fetishes, manias, compulsions, spiritual doubts and a host of excretions. Life is a cycle of intake, chew, absorb or reject, assimilate, produce toxins, detox, and start anew.
This is the need to survive. Add to this the need to reproduce and now, enters our sexual needs.
All of this results in a very complex flow of energies in and out, in cycles.
The levels of the person are the body, mind, spirit, social, and environmental. It is impossible to separate these or to know where one starts and another stop. Thus, these parts cannot be reduced or analysed separately. When there is the ease of flow of things in these levels the person is in health. Health is the ease of flow.
MATURITY or a lack of maturity is one of the main health problems of mankind. Maturity is measured by ones ability to see the future consequences of today's actions. The further one can see into the future, the more mature the person is. In behavioural theory, it is often remarked how, for many people, the small reward today outweighs the large reward or large punishment of tomorrow.
Specifically, the small reward of a cigarette today outweighs the risk of cancer in the future. The small reward of a drug today outweighs the dependency and diseases of tomorrow. For many, it is said that tomorrow seems to never come. And some say that if they knew they would have lived so long, they would have taken better care of themself. Disregard of self is a major cause of disease.
Addiction is often based on peer pressure and lack of maturity. Then as the physical drug dependency deepens with the lack of maturity that further drives the need for today's small reward, the effects of addiction can be seen. This is a difficult problem to correct.
Increasing maturity and awareness is a new form of medicine.
This is the heart of responsibility medicine: To gain enough maturity, to see the consequences of our actions, and how they affect our total lives and the lives of others.
The SCIO/QXCI has powerful effects. It can help to point to the cause of disease, treat damaged or weak organs, unblock blockages, help symptoms, and correct constitutional and metabolic disease; but if the message on maturity and compassion can be learned and utilised without ego, then it gains much more power.